Community Groups - Summer 2018:
1) “Too Many Books, So Little Time” - women’s book club.
12ppl - Meeting the 1st Monday of every month.
"Our club was organized many years ago as an AAUW. Later we became the "So Many Books, So Little Time Book Club" and had many enjoyable gatherings (and a lot of good food) meeting once a month at the old "Leystras". We hope to have more good experiences under the new management at the Sauk-Prairie Grill."
We plan to host an area author, Rose Bingham, at our September meeting. We will be discussing her new memoir, Buy the Little One a Dolly.
We currently have about 12 ladies that meet on a monthly basis to discuss the literary arts. If you love books as much as we do, we invite you to join us.
2) FBEC - “Ferry Bluff Eagle Council”
The Ferry Bluff Eagle Council, or “FBEC”, is a grassroots, not-for-profit organization committed to research, preservation & monitoring of Bald Eagle’s natural habitat in South Central, Wisconsin. Every winter, Bald Eagles migrate and gather in the Sauk-Prairie area because of the environmental benefits of the beautiful Wisconsin River. Here, they find open water for fishing, an undeveloped shoreline where they can find shelter, safety, plenty of trees for perching and valleys for night-time roosting.
Ferry Bluff Eagle Council is dedicated to presenting this unique attraction of South Central Wisconsin and making sure that this tradition continues for generations to come. We encourage you to visit during the Winter months to enjoy this treasure of the Sauk-Prairie Area.
In addition, because the Bald Eagle is our nation’s most beloved and most recognized symbol of freedom, we hope you’ll visit the FBEC website and make a contribution so that they can continue their mission for years to come.
Call 608-643-6625 for reservations or visit their website to learn more about how you can help enjoy and preserve this unique Wisconsin experience and help to support the FBEC.
Ferry Bluff Eagle Council has a variety of sponsors, including:
• Sauk-Prairie Area Chamber of Commerce
• Tripp Heritage Museum
• Bureau of Natural Resources - part of the Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation.
For additional information, you can download their online version of the Ferry Bluff Eagle Council’s 2018 online brochure — that including events, sponsors, co-hosts and your chance to enter to win the Bald Eagle Watching Days Raffle. Just click on the link below: